Thursday, September 24, 2009

My 3 minutes video

Cooking time
I havent got any video camera. So i made my video like slideshow with the help of my camera. I made a pictures, and download the music and some pictures from the Creative Commons web site and download it on Youtube

Assuming topic for essay

I think that I’ll write my New Com Tech essay on this topic.

2. The idea of the internet as cyberspace has been a part of our contemporary culture for some time, particularly in the popular medium of film. But is the concept of cyberspace still relevant to our contemporary society? Discuss with reference to your own experience of contemporary media.

However, I’ll be searching for the resources, books and journals during semester break.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

According to Lecture 7

A shared culture.

When I did my 3 minutes video, I used creative common pictures and music. My first expression was not so good. I realized that is difficult to find useful pictures, in useful colors, and appropriate music for my tute task. However, after 30 minutes of my work with this web site, it became easier to find appropriate information, because I understood how to work with this web site, and where I should search the information.

· “Share, Remix, Reuse — Legally”: creative commons.

The main idea of Lecture 7 was on concept of free culture and free division of the contents which takes place within an Internet and as it relates with the copyright in general. One of the examples of such free culture is Creative Commons.

“Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright.”

Creative Commons was founded in 2001, and since that time, this corporation growth increasingly mainly because it ensure free licenses and other legal instruments to register creative work with freedom which the founder wants that it bore, thus others can participate, repeatedly mix up, use commercially, or any combination of it. So, the main aim of the creative commons is to share the information legally. In 2008 it was estimated 130 million Creative Commons licensed works. The whole item of it, protect the founder from other use of their work, with the purposes of which they did not intend. In addition, the large part of philosophy of the Creative Commons has appeared from users who wanted more freedom with the various computer softwear.

The Idea that we can voluntarily relax our copyrights in the interests of sharing comes from the Free Software movement.”

· Free and open source software.

There was the time, when computer software, when people are shared the codes between each other. This was the best time for software programs and everything was free. However, during the time, software industry was growing with the high speed, and many restrictions have been made by companies. For instance: Microsoft. So, in 1981 Richard M Stallman started the Free Software foundation. His aim was to create absolutely free software like it was before. He believed that users should be allocated by the right on ' four freedom. In addition users should be able to adapt the program for their own requirements, to operate the program as they like, to extend their changes, to remove copies and finally to have a choice to improve the software. Finally, as I understood Richard Stallman created legal document (GNU), to control Four Freedom which had controlled what you can and can’t do with software.
Nowadays there are such concepts like open software. The main advantage of such software, is that it is free, and you can have specially features in it.

“The name free software is replaced with Open source.”

There are examples of free software (open source): Linux,Firefox,OpenOffice etc.
I never ever used free software on my computer. However, after this lecture I installed free software on my computer, just to find differences. So, I found it interesting to use, to found out new abilities and features which you can’t find in Windows, and it is absolutely free. In some ways, I found it better than Microsoft.

To sum up, the main aim of Creative Commons is that this corporation gave us an opportunity to share information legally. People are uploading their music, pictures, photos, and other staff to show their talent to other people and to look what others are gave to look for. It is interesting, to know that people are uploading their photos from flickr, because they want to share their photos with others people all over the world. This idea is great, and carry peace and sort of friendship in it, mainly because people are share and not steal, and they help each other. In my opinion, Creative Commons is useful website, and I think that I’ll be using it anyway.

According to Lecture 6

Video Consumption and Production.

Week 6th lecture was mainly about nowadays video consumption and production in our lives.
In my opinion, all people are consumers and producers in their lives. People can be consumers and producers in same way. Generally, we are contents consumers. In our daily lives we consume professionally created, made and have edited the contents from traditional and new manufacturers of mass-media. In our lecture it was mentioned that some time ago people only were able observe of mass-media, but not participate in its process. However, nowadays it has changed considerably. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a people which haven’t got a computer, or haven’t got access to it. I think that there are some people mainly in less developed countries. Computers are everywhere, and internet is the one reason why the computers became so popular nowadays. People all over world are consumers, because they consuming the information from the internet, which other people are making, producing.
An internet became first source for people to look for, it is much easier to look news or TV shows in internet, rather than waiting when it would be on TV and watching it with huge amount of advertisement. For instance: I prefer to find something on internet, watch it rather than watching on TV, mainly because it saves my time for other things.

Nowadays people can be always on-line. In general, it is because people can use their mobile phones to be always online. Yes, the quality is not so good, because usually the files are big, but the screen on our mobile is small for it. However, people still can watch videos on Vimeo or Youtube and be in touch with their friends with the help of mobile phone. I think that it is easier, because usually I am not caring my lap top with me, because I always haven’t got free space in my bag to it. But, I can use my mobile phone, if I need to watch a video, or write something in twitter or facebook. So, it is always help me in some ways. We can say that consumption becomes more and more personal especially with mobile systems.

As I said before, it is interesting that people were just consumers, but some time later people began producers too. I was consumer all my life before new com tech course. Two weeks ago, I became a producer, when I made my first video, and placed in on the Youtube. So, now people can watching and comment it. According to lecture 6 the films which were made by consumers for consumer viewers are called “fan-films”, because they are made by and for people who have an interest in such films. For instance such film as: StarWars( I can say that people who interested in StarWars made this film for StarWars fans.

People can become a producer easy, with the help of the mobile phone camera. On the news programs, it became a popular to put the segment of video, which was recorded on mobile phone by the people who were in this place. It became popular, because people always have an access to their mobile phones, and can make a video in any time, and when the accident is happened too. I remember such videos from Tsunami in Thailand, when people are screaming and the huge wave is coming on the Phuket Island. In consequence, such videos were on many channels on TV, and in the internet websites and news.

Another aspect of consumption and production is the problem that consumers making the contents of entertainment on a mobile phone, consists that it usually looks and it seems awful. Josh Nicholas said that ,it is a lot of festivals ' cellular telephone Cinema ' have arisen for last 5 years, however at the majority is disappeared the same as the fast.
It can be deduced, that nowadays people always have an access to their mobile phones and internet. I can say that most of them were transformed from consumers to producers in many ways.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Video- Week 6

This is my new video. "Bee story"
I tried to make it funny, with the help of Play-Doh, and my camera.