Thursday, August 27, 2009

3D worlds and socialising on the internet Week 5

I’m using MSN chat, and I never used 3D before. I think that there are many differences between IM programs and 3D programs. However, one of the important one is that in IM programs you just can text messages and send smilies. In 3D programs you can see everything like in real life, and using voice chat. In IM programs you can use web cam, and clear see your opponent, because now such programs have a good quality, and it became much better to use it.

You can see people with whom you are communicating, and seeing their emotions, rather than send just a smile. In my opinion, that chats IM programs are easier and faster to use.

“Activeworlds offers a comprehensive platform for efficiently delivering real-time interactive 3D content over the web. Activeworlds' 3D content is dynamic, visually compelling and most importantly provides users a richer, more exciting online experience”

“The Active Worlds Universe has a unique and diverse global community. Our citizens come from all walks of life, speak many languages, and represent every age group.”

So, I think that there are many different between these programs, but it is difficult to me talk about it, because I’m never use it. However, some people prefer IM programs and others 3D programs such as: Second life, active worlds and others.

Second life video

I published this video, because there is a criticism of Second Life. They compare real life with second life, and talking about consequences. People are living in second life, and doing nothing in real. In some point, I'm agree with this video. However, there are exceptions too

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Search engines

Everyone knows that the famous search engine among many of the internet users is “Google”. However there are many others engines other than “Google”. It is very interesting why are people using just Google?

I have asked my parents and my friends: Which search engines do you usually use, and why? Most of them answered that they know that they can found everything in Google, with the short amount of time, rather than they will search it somewhere else. Also, they say that Google is the most famous, modernised and advertised search engine. The next reason, which my sister said, is that she uses Google, because she has Gmail, and it is easier for her to use Google.
There are just some of evidences, why some people use Google.

However, I haven’t got my favourite search engine. I use many of them. Usually,
I’m using search engines like Yahoo!, Google, msn or altavista. However, I don’t know the reason, why I’m using Yahoo! more often than others engines. I think the main reason for that is that this was my first search engine in my life. I have used it first time at school when I was at 5th grade. I think I just get used to it.

When I had prepared Scavenger Hunt questions, it was not so difficult not to use Google, but it was difficult not to use Wikipedia. I think mainly because, all the answers on questions were in Wikipedia, when I have a look it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In addition, to my previous post.(questions, no using wiki)

There are answers on questions which I found in internet.

However, the answers on questions before were just my own predictions.

Here are remarked answers on the questions.

1.What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?He wore a gasmask according to website.

2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?

3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
28th of October, 1955

4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?

Tim Berners-Lee/CERN

5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?Nowadays i'm working on lap-top. I can charging it, and work after long time. However, 30 years ago the computers was huge and not comfortable. Also, 30 years ago computers consist of different parts, and charging system was different. So, the power was different too.

6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?Ohh, I can't find "parsnip" in a dictionary.

7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?06.06.1859

8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?T
The heavy October rains over the Darling Downs followed by thunderstorm rains in November maintained fairly high levels in the Condamine and Macintyre rivers , particularly during the first half of the month. The peak height at Surat on 1st was the result of heavy run-off from the October rains. This crest moved slowly downstream and peaked at St George on 4th. Heavy 25 to 75mm rains on the southern Downs during the 3rd and 4th renewed the flooding in the Macintyre River which was still carrying considerable run-off from the October rains. The resultant sharp rises on 4th , 5th and 6th gave the third flood for that stream in 5 weeks. A peak at Goondiwindi on 6th resulted in moderate flooding and temporary dislocation of traffic.
Local flooding due to thunderstorms occurred at isolated places throughout Queensland during the month. The following are examples :- Some 30mm at Dayboro on 5th caused a temporary rise in the Pine River . Approximately 100mm in an hour near Surat caused freshes and another peak in the Condamine River on 9th. A severe storm brought 40mm in 15 minutes to Ingham on 10th , flooding shops and business premises. Up to 50mm of rain fell in 90 minutes at Caloundra , flooding a number of houses on 10th. Source:

9. Why is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?He lived in Venice for almost three years. It was in this period that Byron wrote some of his most famous works, including ‘Don Juan’, according to

10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?The band - The Black Assassins.

According to 3 Lecture

Learning the language of the cinema.

I really liked this lecture. It was unusual and interesting topic for me.

Shot sizes, which are better and correct to use, and its abbreviations, like: VLS, LS, MS, and CU.I think it was interesting to know for me, because I never faced with this topic.

Also, I immediately remembered 6 questions with the help of which the story can be made, because on my second subject “News and Politics”, we already learned it.
Especially, that in each story there are 5 W and 1 H.

However, on New Com lecture I had known that these questions also can be in movies in different way. Who? Is not just the person, who participated in the story. Who- shows your subject, emotions. What? - Not just what happened, also what showing your subject performing in action. Where, when, why and how, also have an important value in the making of story.

I liked the way how the lecturer from Gold Coast explained us the terms like: Headroom, Talking room, the rule of Thirds and 180 degree Rule.
It was easy to understand, because with the help of pictures which were showed on the slides, were very good to understand the concepts and terms.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My own experiences with communication technologies

I started to use new communication technologies from earlier years of my life, when my parents bought me my first mobile phone. It was so big, expensive, and not comfortable. However, at that time my mobile phone was my favorite thing. The main aim of starting using mobile phone at that age was communication with parents.

By the time I was 10, I had my first computer, and started using google, and other sites, which were suitable for school. I relly liked it, and learn my younger sisters how to use computer and internet. Few years later I have accumulated accounts in several websites. Such us: vkontakte(is the same like facebook, but on russian language). In my opinion, facebook is much better, and I have an account there too. However, all my friends in Russia, usually use russian version rather than english.

I remember that day, when my friend showed me Youtube. I was shocked, that everything you want to see, can be on this web site. So, first week I spent nights with my laptop, watching video. In addition, i started to use vimeo, cause there are a lot of interesting things too.

The big experience of communication technologies I have had when I studied in UK, in 2008.

I studied there one year and missed my parents and friend so much. So, I started to use Skype, and other programs to communicate with them.

Month ago, since I came to Brisbane at Griffith University, I started to use twitter. I was surprised, when my lecturer on News and Politics, says that we should register on twitter to contact with her, and other students. First time at twitter I can't understand the system how its work. However, after two days, I got used how to use it properly, and use it everyday.

To conclude, communication technologies play an important role in my life.
Every day, I starting my day with the checking my e-mail, twitter, facebook and other sites.

So, I started to use communication technologies to keep in touch with my parents and my friends. However, now I'm using communication technologies to find new frieds, and swap my ideas with people.

the end

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Just try to guess

1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?

I think that he wore something comfortable and warm, cause in UK the weather is rainy.

2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?

I don't know exactly date, but it was for military usage, during the II WW.

The idea of the Internet came from RAND Corporation in 1960.

3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?

28.10.1955, the age of 15

4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?

Tim Berners-Lee/CERN

5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?

Nowadays i'm working on lap-top. I can charging it, and work after long time. However, 30 years ago the computers was huge and not comfortable. Also, 30 years ago computers consist of different parts, and charging system was different. So, the power was different too.

6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?

Ohh, I can't find "parsnip" in a dictionary.

7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?


8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?

I came, just month ago, I don't know which weather is on November.
I think it was +30+35

9. Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?

Maybe he did something important in Venice

10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?

some Rock band

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Future of Communication Technologies

I like this video because it is always interesting to know, what will be in the future, and which divices we will use.Also how people will communicate with each other. This video is very funny in some way.

According to 2 Lecture

A Short History of Computing and the Internet.

  • Charles Babbage was an English inventor, who originated the concept of a programmable computer. Charles Babbage Considered a "father of the computer" and credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs Also, in 1991, a perfectly functioning “difference engine” automatic, mechanical calculator was constructed from Babbage's original plans. In addition, The Science Museum completed the printer Babbage had designed for the difference engine. Nowadays, some parts of his mechanisms are on display in the “London science museum”.

  • Alan Turing was an English computer scientist who has create a concept of the algorithm and computation with the help of Turing machine. Also, during the Second Word War, Turing worked at Bletchley Park, where he with others mathematicians and cryptographers, devise the first working computer, which they used to break secret German 'Enigma' codes.

  • In the 1950s computers were first produced with the aim of selling by IBM Company.
    First computers were big, and not comfortable. So, companies made smaller computers, and not so expensive for a short period of time.

  • Xerox Parc, Apple, IBM and Microsoft

    • Xerox Parc
      The first company which started to make Personal Computers was Xerox Parc. However, by the end of 1975 more companies had joined the PC industry.

    • Apple:
      Also, the famous people in computer industry are Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs which are created an Apple company.

    • IBM and Microsoft

      To run computers, there are two types of software required: the language and the Operating System. IBM considered two possible sellers for their software: Gary Kildall, the head of Digital Research inc, and Bill Gates.
      However, after they bought an Operating System which had been developed by Tim Patterson.

    • Internet
      A global network connecting millions ofcomputers. Almost all countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. The idea of the Internet came from RAND Corporation in 1960.

    • World Wide Web

      WWW is the universe of network information, which accessible for the people
      One of the important things is that the internet is synonymous with WWW.
      Also, the web is just one part of the broader internet which includes many other things as well as the Web.

    • Cyberspace

      Is a metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems.

    Thursday, August 6, 2009

    Introduction to New Communication Technologies

    According to 1 Lecture.

    Nowadays, there are many different new communication technologies. One of the most popular is internet. The web is now so popular, that people using it in different ways in their life. The popularity and accessibility of the Internet has been the main force behind many improvements and new technologies among the population in different countries.

    New communication technologies are:

    interactive TV
    virtual reality
    SMS - text messaging
    social networks

    · It is clear that the history of communication technologies is spread in the centuries, and people always invent new things.
    So, the example of old communication technologies is:”
    Antikythera Mechanism

    · Defining Communication and Technology

    “Communication is any process that transfers, transmits or makes information known to other people.”

    · There are few books, in which authors are explaining meaning of communication such as: Aristotle's” Rhetoric” and “The Mathematical Theory of Communication by
    Shannon & Weaver. “
    They suggest different meanings of communication, but in my opinion Aristotle's meaning is more realistic:
    “The speaker produces a message that is heard by the listener.”

    “Technology is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world”

    · There are types of technology such as: analog and digital.

    I think that new communications make the life easier, and it’s our future. However, some people have another view on it. New communication technologies are connecting with many spheres and jobs in modern life. For instance: journalism, education, business, medicine.


    Wednesday, August 5, 2009

    Stewe Wozniak-Apple Computer Co-Founder.

    Steve was the one who actually built and designed the first Apple computers.

    COCAINE Week 1

    I leke this video, because it is unusal way of representing th story. Also, I like sounds. Good idea, its fantastic.