Tuesday, August 25, 2009

According to 3 Lecture

Learning the language of the cinema.

I really liked this lecture. It was unusual and interesting topic for me.

Shot sizes, which are better and correct to use, and its abbreviations, like: VLS, LS, MS, and CU.I think it was interesting to know for me, because I never faced with this topic.

Also, I immediately remembered 6 questions with the help of which the story can be made, because on my second subject “News and Politics”, we already learned it.
Especially, that in each story there are 5 W and 1 H.

However, on New Com lecture I had known that these questions also can be in movies in different way. Who? Is not just the person, who participated in the story. Who- shows your subject, emotions. What? - Not just what happened, also what showing your subject performing in action. Where, when, why and how, also have an important value in the making of story.

I liked the way how the lecturer from Gold Coast explained us the terms like: Headroom, Talking room, the rule of Thirds and 180 degree Rule.
It was easy to understand, because with the help of pictures which were showed on the slides, were very good to understand the concepts and terms.

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