Wednesday, August 12, 2009

According to 2 Lecture

A Short History of Computing and the Internet.

  • Charles Babbage was an English inventor, who originated the concept of a programmable computer. Charles Babbage Considered a "father of the computer" and credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs Also, in 1991, a perfectly functioning “difference engine” automatic, mechanical calculator was constructed from Babbage's original plans. In addition, The Science Museum completed the printer Babbage had designed for the difference engine. Nowadays, some parts of his mechanisms are on display in the “London science museum”.

  • Alan Turing was an English computer scientist who has create a concept of the algorithm and computation with the help of Turing machine. Also, during the Second Word War, Turing worked at Bletchley Park, where he with others mathematicians and cryptographers, devise the first working computer, which they used to break secret German 'Enigma' codes.

  • In the 1950s computers were first produced with the aim of selling by IBM Company.
    First computers were big, and not comfortable. So, companies made smaller computers, and not so expensive for a short period of time.

  • Xerox Parc, Apple, IBM and Microsoft

    • Xerox Parc
      The first company which started to make Personal Computers was Xerox Parc. However, by the end of 1975 more companies had joined the PC industry.

    • Apple:
      Also, the famous people in computer industry are Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs which are created an Apple company.

    • IBM and Microsoft

      To run computers, there are two types of software required: the language and the Operating System. IBM considered two possible sellers for their software: Gary Kildall, the head of Digital Research inc, and Bill Gates.
      However, after they bought an Operating System which had been developed by Tim Patterson.

    • Internet
      A global network connecting millions ofcomputers. Almost all countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. The idea of the Internet came from RAND Corporation in 1960.

    • World Wide Web

      WWW is the universe of network information, which accessible for the people
      One of the important things is that the internet is synonymous with WWW.
      Also, the web is just one part of the broader internet which includes many other things as well as the Web.

    • Cyberspace

      Is a metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems.

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